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Normally, you can add, edit and delete users and passwords from the back-end User Manager. To do this, you must be logged in as a member of the Super Administrator group.

Undecided if you should migrate or not? After all, your site is running fine. Why rock the boat? Somehow you’ve heard/learned that you need to migrate to a newer life cycle or version and landed here. You’ve come to the right place. This documentation is a funnel. At the bottom of each page there are up to two options to take you to the next step. Now, here are all the reasons to take the plunge to Joomla 3.x!

Worst nightmare for a website administrator ?  
-- Site administrator password is broken and intruders got in and messed up site terribley or worst, made a backdoor.

How to rescue ?
-- Simple. Choose a difficult to guess password. :)

Even you always keep your Joomla site updated and installed plugins to safeguard it, wrongs can happen. That time, other than GOD, you will need a good recent backup. Here is the best way to keep your Joomla backed up.